
About Us

About Lups

Lups was started on 14 Sept 2021 in India.The dream was simple. Make unique designing merchandise for our Indian Gamers.
Lups started in 2021 with the simple hope of connecting gamers around India and creating wearable apparel that tells a story, inspire new gamers and remind us that we Gamers are all connected. LUPS IS INSPIRED BY A PASSION FOR ALL THE GAMES. This brand also gives hopes to so many youngster that yes you can make a career out of gaming, be it any game, be it any gender! A T-shirt with a cool Bgmi Print, A Poster with awesome valorant wallpaper. A hoodie with unique valorant print. Whatever you think you, you love, you will get it merchandised on a good quality product. At lups we strive to create cool design on best quality merchandise. Our customer service experience is made with you in mind, because you are the best part of us. LUPS itself is you and I as we together! With love,
From one gamer to another.

Why We

2500+ Happy Gamers

2500+ Happy Gamers

We have achieved a milestone of delivering 2500+ Merchandise within one and half year to gamers.

Pure Cotton

Our clothes are made up of pure cotton. We beleive in Quality therefore we only sell pure cotton clothes.

Best Fabric Used

Our clothes are made of cotton that super soft, breathable and pre shrunk.
30 Days Return & Exchange

30 Days Return & Exchange

We care for our Gamers that's why we offer 30 days return and exchange policy with no question asked.
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