
Brand Story

Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple “Less gaming designs T-shirts for gamers”.

We were playing a game when one of us told why not get one t-shirt of this game. After searching many websites we couldn’t find the one we were looking for.

Many of us might had similar experiences, and we felt that how hard it was to find a perfect design with a good quality fabric as well. 

It turns out there was a simple explanation. Gaming industry is getting a boom but it lacks good merchandise/appeals for gamers.

And this is how we started LUPS to create unique designs for gamers by keeping in mind the quality and price of the product.

By Analysing latest gaming trends, designs and streams, we’re able to provide new deisgns and trendy merchandise to our buyers.

We believe that buying cool gaming T-shirts, should be fun. It should leave you happy and good looking and I hope we succeded in that.

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